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Gastronomic Tavern

There is a small corner in the center of Sabadell, where you can enjoy the best wines, beers and vermouths. A restaurant that proposes culinary elaborations that fuse traditional cuisine with the creative. Let yourself be captivated by the taste of unique and original dishes.
At Tanins, we want to defend the concept of a gastronomic tavern. A concept that encompasses an informal and relaxed atmosphere of a tavern, added to a high culinary level and a great selection of wines. All this translates into a unique gastronomic experience, to enjoy as a couple or with friends.

Do you need more reasons to come see us? We will wait for you!

Restaurant Photos

Featured Dishes

Iberian galta with mel and mostassa

13.9 €

Cua de toro with xocolata and port

14.9 €

Foie bonbons with festivities

7.2 €

Our stars

7.5 €

Baby potato trout with fattening

5.2 €

Caneló XL of calçots with beixamel from Romesc

6.2 €

Les braves del tanins

6.4 €

Foie micuit with caramel fruits.litzades

10 €